miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Continuous Assessment 1

Act 01:
**What is your favorite dog breed's name?: Sealyham Terrier
**Vocabulary Activity:
1. Sprinter:  Velocista
2. Jogger: Trotador
3. Breed: Raza
4. To Hunt: Para cazar
5. Laid-back approach: Postura tranquila frente a un tema
6. Watchdog: Perro guardián
7. Grooming: Referente al cuidado y embellecimiento del perro.
**5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire:
1. Affectionate: Cariñoso
2. Trainable: Entrenable
3. Fairly: Limpio
4. Couch Potato: Perro flojo e inactivo
5. Amoung: Entre otras cosas

Act 02:
**What are the words for these definitions?:
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: Anesthesia
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: 
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside: 
- A developing baby in the uterus: 
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body:
-  Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: 
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: 

Act 03:
**Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin. In one or two lines, tell why you likeeach program.
1. "Monsters Inside Me": I like this tv shows cause it related the most stranger virus that affecting the human body.
2. "Bad Dog" : This tv show teach to the pet owner how treat their animals and still love to her "diffucult" pets.
3. "Frozen Planet": show the life of the animals that live in the polar regions of our earth.

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