miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

My favorite Piece of Technology

Hello my friends!!!..today I have to talk you about ,my favorite piece of technology that is....... My phone!!!
I did bought it this year, in May, because my other phone was dying by little Jajajajajja.
I use my phone many hours of the day, but unfortunately the batery lasts a very short time :/
I like it because with the LG P30 I can listen my music in any places that i go!!! and that's great!!!! because the music for my is very important and for me it is important that the music is with me all the time.
Another reason is that I can talk with my girlfriend, parents and friends easily and quickly! And if I have no money in the phone, thanks to the great geniuses of technology, there Whatssap, that is a free plataform on wish I can talk to my contacts with the only requeriment being connected to WiFi.
The Last reason is.....the photograph!...I can save great moments of my life and my day just a quick tightening capturing it forever!!!.
Without my phone, I think my life would'nt a hell, but would not have the speed and efficiency that can give me my phone, althought I would learn to live without it.

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Continuous Assessment 1

Act 01:
**What is your favorite dog breed's name?: Sealyham Terrier
**Vocabulary Activity:
1. Sprinter:  Velocista
2. Jogger: Trotador
3. Breed: Raza
4. To Hunt: Para cazar
5. Laid-back approach: Postura tranquila frente a un tema
6. Watchdog: Perro guardián
7. Grooming: Referente al cuidado y embellecimiento del perro.
**5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire:
1. Affectionate: Cariñoso
2. Trainable: Entrenable
3. Fairly: Limpio
4. Couch Potato: Perro flojo e inactivo
5. Amoung: Entre otras cosas

Act 02:
**What are the words for these definitions?:
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: Anesthesia
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: 
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside: 
- A developing baby in the uterus: 
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body:
-  Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: 
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: 

Act 03:
**Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin. In one or two lines, tell why you likeeach program.
1. "Monsters Inside Me": I like this tv shows cause it related the most stranger virus that affecting the human body.
2. "Bad Dog" : This tv show teach to the pet owner how treat their animals and still love to her "diffucult" pets.
3. "Frozen Planet": show the life of the animals that live in the polar regions of our earth.


Hello guys!...this week is the time to write about my favorite band which is....EPICA.
Probably you don't know this band because isn't a famous band like Nirvana, Queen or others, but their style and sound is very good and flashy.
Epica is a Dutch Symphonic metal band (This is the only metal band that i like), founded by Mark Jansen (Guitarrist) and Simone Simons (Vocals).
Epica is a very good mix of rock, metal, pop and symphonic music, so the final sound is encharming :3
They formed in 2002 and have recorded 5 albums. The last album is called "Requiem for the Indifferent" and is so powerful and bombastic.

I really can't choose only one favorite song, but i enjoy every time that i listen their new single "Storm the Sorrow" because is a short but interesting song, with full energy and a catchy choir.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

About me...

Hello guys!...I'm Octavio Lara, I was born in Curicó 19 years ago. I Studied at Colegio Hispanochileno El Pilar, in this momment,  I'm studing Veterinary Medicine in Universidad de Chile.

In my life, animals are very important, cause is my destiny to care for their lives and health from the injustice and selfishness of the human being, that is destroying, wasting and abusing of the nature and affecting directly to the lives of defenseless animals.
My other passion is the music, since I have memory, my father made me listen to different music styles; he is also a "music lover", and this caused that I loved the music and also, loved singing. 
In 2007 I took singing lessons for two years and I learnt a lot of technical things and experience on this beautiful discipline.

I hope that you enjoy the blog and have a lot of fun!
See you there!
Regards!!! :)

P.S: The picture shows me and a little rabbit in his clinical examination. :3