miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

What's your Opinion?

1.- What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians? 
I think that the chilean politicians are very disappointing, because they don't care what people think or want, only make money and welfare; they are very selfish and inconsiderate...

2.- What is your opinion about violence on television? 
The television reflects society, so, if the television shows violence is because society is violent.
Only I disagree that children see this, because the television has to educate children...

3.- What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana? 
I think Chile is not prepared for this legalizing, because the adolescents are very immature and this is a vice that must be controlled by the autorithies; Chile isn't a responsible country...

4.- What is your opinion about cloning?  
Cloning is a very important discovery of science, but the society isn't responsible to assume this great advancement, making a bad use of cloning and harming people and institutions...

5.- What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I think it is necessary to legalize abortion cause there are so many women who don't have the money to leave the country and pay for a good surgery, so that in Chile the women risk their lives when the problem is genetic or biologic and not a simple whim...

1 comentario:

  1. hi my dear octavio! i have the same opinion about marijuana! the teenegers and adolescent are so influenceable but i don't agree with you about the abortion topic because life is life for me :) XOXO
