miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 3

A) About Horses.

1. What are the  5 most common pathologies of horses? Mention them and give a little description too.

a) Equine Viral Arteritisn (EVA) : Causes by an RNA togavirus,and produces clinical signs of respiratory disease, vasculitis, and abortion. Horses with EVA infection present with fever, anorexia, and depression.

b) Pleuropneumonia: Is defined as infection of the lungs and pleural space. In most instances, it develops secondary to bacterial pneumonia or penetrating thoracic wounds. Spontaneous pleuritis (without accompanying pneumonia) is uncommon in horses.

c) Inflamatory Airway Disease (IAD): describes a heterogeneous group of inflammatory conditions of the lower respiratory tract that appear to be primarily noninfectious. The most common clinical signs are chronic cough and mucoid to mucopurulent nasal discharge. Fever and auscultable pulmonary abnormalities are rarely observed.

d) Empynema: s defined as the accumulation of purulent, septic exudate in the guttural pouch. The infection usually develops subsequent to a bacterial (primarily Streptococcus spp ) infection of the upper respiratory tract. Clinical signs include intermittent purulent nasal discharge, painful swelling in the parotid area, and in severe cases, stiff head carriage and stertorous breathing.

e) Sinusitis: t usually involves all sinus cavities but can be confined to the ventral conchal sinus. This cavity is difficult to detect radiographically and access surgically. Secondary sinusitis can result from tooth root infection, fracture, or sinus cyst. The first molar, fourth premolar, and third premolar (in decreasing frequency) are the most likely to develop tooth root abscesses. 

2. Publish a picture of the horse's digestive system (with names)    


 3. Publish a picture of the horse's external anatomy  (with names)

 B) Choose one of these farm animals:  duck, cow or rabbit.

1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website. (40 words)
http://www.rabbit.org/ ; I chose this website because is very complete and informative plataform for know everything about rabbits; Since it's health, behavior, care and so many links about it's natural home, communities, etc.

2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's external anatomy. 


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